Petrina stran - testiranje
Besedilo je shranjeno.
$ Raised for the Sea
We have recycled 75% of the waste from our clean-up initiatives, significantly reducing ocean plastic and pollutants.
Research and Innovation
Showcasing ongoing research projects, technological innovations to ocean preservation.
Our Mission
Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt. Quisque velit nisi, pretium ut lacinia in, elementum id enim. Nulla quis lorem ut libero malesuada feugiat. Curabitur aliquet quam id dui posuere blandit. Vivamus suscipit tortor eget felis porttitor volutpat.
100% of Donations Fund Clean and Safe Drinking Water
Current Initiatives & Projects
Coastal Cleanup
Our solution provides a wide range of tools, features, and functionalities to help your sales organisation.
Goal: $250,000
Marine Education
Our solution provides a wide range of tools, features, and functionalities to help your sales organisation.
Goal: $50,000
Habitat Restoration
Our solution provides a wide range of tools, features, and functionalities to help your sales organisation.
Goal: $150,000
Oceanic Scale
Diving into the Numbers
Over 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered by oceans, making them the planet’s largest habitat.
More than 500 coral species can be found in coral reefs, each contributing to the vibrant colors and biodiversity.
Scientists estimate that there are over 1.5 million species yet to be discovered in the depths of the ocean.
Our Coral Reef Restoration project aims to revitalize degraded coral reefs in Miami through a combination of coral transplantation, artificial reef structures, & community involvement.
How You Can Help
Getting Involved
Join the Team
Cultivating resilient coral species in nurseries and transplanting them onto damaged.
Become a Volunteer
Installing artificial reef structures to provide habitat for marine life and enhance the resilience.
Make a Donation
Installing artificial reef structures to provide habitat for marine life and enhance the resilience.
Donate Our Programs
Our Blog
Kako učinkovito komunicirati z otroki, ki se težko učijo: Smernice za starše in vzgojitelje
Komunikacija je temelj vsakega uspešnega odnosa, še posebej pa je pomembna pri vzgoji otrok, ki se soočajo z učnimi težavami. Ko starši in vzgojitelji obvladajo umetnost komunikacije, lahko ustvarijo okolje, kjer se otroci počutijo razumljene, varne, podprte in...
Kako vzgajati otroke z učnimi težavami: Praktični nasveti za starše in vzgojitelje
Vzgoja otrok iz ranljivih skupin in drugih, ki se težje učijo ali imajo specifične potrebe, zahteva poseben pristop in predanost. Fino se je zavzemati za njihovo enakopravno vključevanje v družbo, pri čemer je vredno poudariti, da je vsak otrok vreden enake pozornosti...
Video: Kako razumeti in rešiti konflikt?
Pritisnite GUMB na sliki za VIDEO ▶️. Kliknite tukaj za VEČ O PROGRAMIH >> VIDEO: KAKO RAZUMETI in REŠITI KONFLIKT? 1. Čutiš, da se imata z partnerjem rada, a se konstantno prepirata in vrtita v začaranem krogu? 2. Ti...